
Discuss research methods, literature review, academic/conference paper preparation process


Explain the application of advanced mathematical methods that can be used in solving engineering problems.


The role of quality in creating world class competitive capabilities including WCM and lean production, Strategic choice in Human Resource Management systems including work systems, reward systems, employee influence (union and non union) and manpower flow systems (recruitment, induction, training, etc. Building a core team, Organising for development, Technology Management and quality: team working, incentives, self managing teams, cellular manufacturing performance management for technical professionals 360° performance feedback for R & D teams linking Kaplan's Balanced Scorecard individual performance metrics and teamwork performance measures Managing technical professionals, Product champions and top management support for new technology projects, the role of mentoring in performance management. Benchmarking teams


Matematiksel altyapı ve hata analizi; hataların kaynağı, sayısal kararlılık ve yakınsama. Tek değişkenli doğrusal olmayan denklemlerin çözümü; ikiye bölme yöntemi, Newton yöntemi, kiriş yöntemi, Muller yöntemi. Tek nokta iterasyon yöntemleri için genel teori, katlı kökler, Brent algoritması. Daralma dönüşüm prensibi, doğrusal olmayan denklem sistemleri için Newton yöntemi. Polinomlu interpolasyon teorisi, Newton bölünmüş farklar, interpolasyon hata analizi. Hermite interpolasyonu, parçalı polinomlu interpolasyon, Chebyshev interpolasyonu. Kübik splaynlar, Bezier eğrileri, çok boyutlu interpolasyon . Weierstrass teoremi, çok boyutlu Taylor teoremi, minimax yaklaşıklama. En küçük kareler yaklaşıklaması. Sayısal türevleme; sonlu fark formülleri, yuvarlama hatası, ekstrapolasyon. Değişken uzunluktaki noktalar için genel türevleme formülü, az değiştirilmiş veri ile sayısal türevleme. Sayısal integral; bileşik sayısal integral yöntemleri, Simpson kuralları, ağırlıklı Newton-Cotes ve Gauss formülleri, Gauss sayısal integrasyonu. Doğrusal fonksiyonellerin Peano gösterimleri, extrapolasyon yöntemleri, Romberg integrasyonu. Tekil integrallerin sayısal hesaplaması, çok boyutlu sayısal integrasyon.


Gaining knowledge about AI techniques; Learning knowledge-based systems technology and expert systems; Learning fuzzy modelling approach: fuzzification of an engineering problem, obtaining the solution in the fuzzy wold using fuzzy logic and defuzzification of the solution. Overviewing Genetic Algorithms (GA's) as an optimization technique; Modeling and solving an engineering problem using GA's; Overviewing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models;; Modeling and solving an engineering problem using ANN.; Overviewing deep learning alorithms. as current form ANN.


Introduction to FE, introduction to octave, static finite element equation, stiffness matrix, force and displacement vectors, FE equation and stiffness matrix derivation, methods for creating global stiffness matrix, definition of force and displacement boundary conditions, solution of SE equation by applying boundary conditions, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D truss element and beam element, solutions for 2-D plane problems manually and with octave, introduction to ansys workbench and solution of 3-D static problems, creating a mesh structure in workbench, applying boundary conditions , contact definitions, complete solutions. Solution of buckling, modal and heat transfer problems with Workbench, topology optimization. Introduction to Ansys spaceclaim geometry modeler and meshing in Spaceclaim.


Understanding the basics behind linear and nonlinear finite element method. Learning the finite element software; Ansys. Generating the skill for modeling and solving an engineering problem by means of Ansys. Evaluating and interpreting the obtained solutions as an engineer.


Learning R&D management concepts and scope. Getting familiar with the approaches of evaluating and selecting R&D projects. Learning important aspects of R&D project portfolio management. Making researches about recent technological advances.


Kartezyen tensör notasyonu. birim şekil değiştirme analizi, gerilme analizi ve denge denklemleri. Hooke kanunu. Young mödülü. Düzlem gerilme ve düzlem şekil değiştirme. 2 boyutlu elastisite problemleri. Enerji ilkeleri ve uygulamalı elastisite örnekleri.


*) Presenting the basic concepts and knowledge about turbulence which is a common research phenomenon in many different disciplines, such as Hydraulics; Coastal, Environmental, Aerospace and Energy Engineering. *) Solution of steady and oscillatory turbulent boundary layers by means of analytical and experimental methods. *) Presenting the primary statistical and spectral methods for investigation of turbulence. *) Investigation of mixing and dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer by means of analytical and numerical methods. *) Presenting the primary turbulence models and providing examples for application of turbulence theory.


Water resources in Turkey, history of dams / Objective and type of dams / Ecological and environmental effect of dams / Interaction of structure and river / Reservoir sedimentation / Calculation and distribution methods of sediment / Calculation and distribution methods of sediment /Steps of planning dam / Foundation,Drainage / Cofferdam /Diversion /River slucies /Spillways /Models of dam


*) Presenting the basic concepts and knowledge about turbulence which is a common research phenomenon in many different disciplines, such as Hydraulics; Coastal, Environmental, Aerospace and Energy Engineering. *) Solution of steady and oscillatory turbulent boundary layers by means of analytical and experimental methods. *) Presenting the primary statistical and spectral methods for investigation of turbulence. *) Investigation of mixing and dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer by means of analytical and numerical methods. *) Presenting the primary turbulence models and providing examples for application of turbulence theory.


*) Presentation of basic knowledge about water waves being the primary concept of coastal engineering. *) Presentation of computation procedures for storm (short term), long term and extreme irregular wave statistics. *) Teaching the skills for project based risk calculations and determination of design wave characteristics. *) Presentation of basic knowledge about definition, conservation and dissipation of wave energy and wave energy conversion. *) Giving introductory knowledge on nearshore hydrodynamics by studying nearshore transformation of waves.


1. Assessment of the existing structures, 2. Essentials of repairing and improving, methods of repair, 3. Explanations of strengthening methods and principals of structures by examples.


Earthquake mechanism, spectrum concept, multi degree of freedom system, modal analysis in earthquake response, earthquake resistant design, main philosophy of earthquake codes, earthquake codes and design criteria, spectral analysis of structures and simplified approaches, behavior of reinforced concrete structures subjected to earthquake ground motion, plastic hinge concept, capacity concept in design, earthquake resistant design, safety to earthquakes, limit states, general behavior of structures, structural irregularities, design spectra, elastic equivalent earthquake load, effect of earthquake load, acceleration spectrum, ductility of structures, equivalent earthquake load, modal superposition method, structural systems, construction rules for reinforced concrete structures, story displacements, design of base isolated structures, retaining walls.


Fundamentals of matrix calculation methods, matrix relations between end forces and end displacements in finite elements, matrix displacement method and its application to two and three dimensional systems, matrix force method, solution of various physics problems with finite element method using analogy, calculation of nonlinear systems, buckling loads calculation, calculation of building systems according to dynamic external effects.


1. Understand problems related to Geotechnical Erathquake Engineering. 2. Evaluate the behavior of foundation soils under earthquake loads.


1.Understand problems related to Engineering Properties of Soils. 2.Evaluate the Behavior of foundation soils under earthquake loads.


To understand the management stages of construction projects


General concepts related with sustainability; Introduction to the sustainable built environment; Need for sustainable construction; Effects of the construction industry to the environment; Relationship between sustainability and cost; Sustainable buildings and certificates; Project management process for sustainable construction projects (project definition goal and settings; design phase integration; construction phase implementation; credit implementations; information on the relevant laws and regulations); Case studies on project management for sustainable construction projects in the USA, in the UK, in Europe and in Turkey.


The aim of this course is to enable the students to develop their skills in research, surveys, preparing and making presentations and sharing their their research work and get feedback.


Classification and Definition of the coastal structures / Hydraulics of the coastal structures / Breakwater, Breakwater types / Rubble-mound breakwater / Vertical-front breakwater / Submerged breakwater, Floating breakwater, Piled breakwater / Construction materials used in coastal structure / Sea walls, Groins / Beach Nourishment


*) Presentation of basic concepts about sediment transport. *) Teaching of physical mechanism of sediment mobility under current, wave and wave-current action, with all related parameters. *) Giving knowledge on cross-shore sediment transport in surf zone and seasonal balance of coastal profiles. *) Teaching the cause-effect relationship behind long shore sediment transport and shoreline evolution. *) Implementing foresight on the probable effects of coastal structures on near-field and far-field morphology. *) Qualitative presentation of effects of climate change on coastal morphology.


Determination of modal properties with vibration measurements, Identification of physical system matrices with vibration measurements, Health monitoring methods for construction building systems, Signal processing, data acquisition and feature extraction, Damage detection methods based on vibration data, Model renewal techniques.


Creating calculation models of different building types. Giving the necessary steps to be followed in static-dynamic, linear-nonlinear solutions under various loads. Ensuring that they create sample program codes (C++, Vbasic.Net, VBA, Matlab, etc.) on necessary subjects.


Analysis and design of structures under time dependent loads. Modelling of dynamic characters of building systems and determining of the system behaviour under time dependent loads.


1. To classify and learn soils by index test. 2. Evaluate strength, settlement and stress-strain behavior under structural loads


1. Understand problems related to Foundation Engineering. 2. Design the foundation depending on the behavior of foundation soils under structural loads


This course aims to introduce DOE for its potential to improve product quality and process efficiency. Along with practical examples and case studies, the use of simple graphical tools for data analysis and interpretation will be introduced. This course also provides a framework for Six Sigma training and projects related to design optimization and process performance improvements. The course aims to help practitioners and researchers learn how to apply DOE in their work environment.


To ensure that students have general knowledge about cost management in the Construction Sector from an architectural perspective, to increase students' knowledge about cost-benefit analysis and the points to be considered in cash flow diagrams of construction projects.


To be able to apply the concepts of simplicity and agility in Construction Projects


Related to Construction Industry; Marketing: concepts and marketing process, marketing environment and marketing information system), buyer behavior (consumer and business markets), market segmentation, targeting and positioning, new product development, the product life cycle, competition, marketing strategies and decisions for products, brands and services, pricing, marketing channels, marketing communications, direct marketing and sales management, global marketing and e-marketing. Cases from construction industry and architecture.


-Understanding theory of discrete choice models in detail. -Getting to know the data types used in discrete choice modeling. -Understanding the differences between the discrete choice model types and the applications.


-To understand the concepts of speed, flow and density that explain the concept of traffic numerically in detail. -To apply the capacity analysis in traffic in various traffic conditions. -To express traffic congestion numerically using queue analysis.


In this course, the students will prepare a project in collaboration with industry. The students will identify an important problem in a company, which is related to the subjects covered in the courses. Then, they will make an extensive literature review on the problem selected.


Under the supervision of a faculty member, students will prepare a thesis by conducting research on a topic appropriate to their academic background. The thesis should involve the application or development of techniques used in the Civil Engineering program and should make an original contribution. Graduation candidates must defend their thesis in front of a jury appointed by the program.

Under the supervision of a faculty member, students will prepare a thesis by conducting research on a topic appropriate to their academic background. The thesis should involve the application or development of techniques used in the Civil Engineering program and should make an original contribution. Graduation candidates must defend their thesis in front of a jury appointed by the program.