
This course provides a critical review of theoretical and research approaches in mass culture analysis. Students will be able to apply and discuss various approaches taught within the course to media studies. Furthermore, content analysis, methods and discourse analysis related to media studies are examined. The aim of the course is to make students apply these methods and techniques in their research projects.


Introduction to the course and its requirements & the development of organisational theory; managing in a global environment; organisational planning and goal setting & strategy formulation and implementation; managerial decision making; organisation; organisational change and development; foundations of behaviour in organisations; managing groups and conflict management; leadership; motivation; control in organisations.


The aim of this course is to convey the necessary basic knowledge in the field of film studies. The course will be conducted with an approach that focuses mainly on the history of cinema and film criticism. In this course, the formal and narrative elements of the film will be emphasized, as well as important films, periods and directors in the context of national and international film studies.


managing e-commerce process, development of e-commerce


Introduction to Brand Management and Definitions, Brand Management Process, Brand Positioning, Differentiation and Market Analysis, Market Entry of Local Brands, Brand and Storytelling, Brand Image, Brand Personality and Brand Identity, Brand Value and Equivalence, Digital Brand Management, Corporate Brands, Individual Brands, Brand Communication, Luxury Brand Management, Global Brand.


The purpose of the course is to inform students about the recent concerns and challenges managers have to deal with.


Importance and Scope of Human Resources Management; Human Resources Planning; Job Analysis and Job Descriptions; Employee Selection; Education Management; Career Development, Performance Evaluation; Job Evaluation, Occupational Health and Safety, International Human Resources Management.


By showing that the concepts of communication and ethics are both forms of human existence, to make them comprehend that the relationship between these two concepts is determined by those relations within the whole of social relations, which is the necessary field of human survival.


In this course, the student will be able to determine the development processes of contemporary Turkish cinema, which is showing an important development today. exemplary artists and artists who left their mark on the period, in the historical development process, their practices, movements and expression methods. It is intended to be understood together with the works.


To examine the importance and characteristics of cinema as a language of expression, to understand the development and artistic forms of documentary cinema, which reflects the reality of life with the unity of science and art, in the world and in Turkey. Discussing the approaches of cinema movements and documentarians by watching sample films.


Giving information about the international, general and functional strategies followed by businesses and companies; to evaluate the strategies followed in business and companies.


The objective of this course is to develop a basic understanding about the marketing management concepts as well as of human in various managerial processes in organisation in terms of, sales, PR, Ads.


The main aim of this course is to provide the students, no matter from which department, the knowledge about basic entrepreneurship and small business management when they graduate and step into real life. The other aim of the course is to inform the students about who an entrepreneur basically is and how to be an entrepreneur.


This class aims to develop the following knowledge and skills: - Able to define the concept of film and become fully aware of the differences between fictional and non-fictional films - Learning fundamentals of short films and film making in an historical context - Learning how to handle the equipment properly and the effects of the various controls. - Learning how to use the equipment effectively. Developing the skills underlying good camerawork and sound production. - Learning how to convey ideas convincingly. Using the medium persuasively. - Learning how to organize systematically. Applying practical planning, preparation, and production.


In this course, it is aimed for the student to comprehend the practices, movements and expression methods that determine the development processes of Turkish Cinema, which is showing an important development today, together with the exemplary artists and works that left their mark on the period, within the historical development process.


The content of this course is to develop a leader that fits and handle the ever changing economy and challenge the sever competition in such a complex , dynamic market place. Coping with the newly emerged problems in such a competitive environment requires novel solutions and new types of leaders. However, explosions of technological innovation, rapid change of the demographic factors and rising life expectancy is causing more uncertainty for leaders as well as managers. Hence, the purpose of this course is to prepare the students as a new type of leader of future, to challenge the above said comlexities and problems of the global market place.


To provide students with instructive information about basic, introductory, functioning and processes by ensuring that they have knowledge about organizational behavior issues, to examine the behaviors of organizational employees, formal and informal groups in organizations, the organization in general, the factors underlying these behaviors, conflict and solutions in organizations, to teach students individual behaviors. In addition to examining and evaluating organizational behavior, it also aims to teach them the methods of examining and evaluating organizational behavior and to ensure that they have a detailed judgment and specialization in this field in business life.


To explain the concept of corporate communication and its importance, to introduce the practices in institutions, to evaluate corporate communication as a whole and to gain skills to take part in practices. It is aimed to provide students with information on how institutions will manage their communication activities for different purposes and for different stakeholders.


The aim of the course is to build and understanding of the characteristics of services and the consequent need and ways for formulating and implementing specific marketing strategies by the service firm for competitive advantage and term success.


Introducing concepts related to innovation management and providing information about developments related to innovation management in Turkey and in the world


This course focuses on how various issues and problems in different fields are analyzed by the media. Media will be examined in the context of its relationship with other institutions and as part of cultural, political, economic and educational systems. The aim of this course is to enable students to develop a critical understanding of the cultural world and media relations.

This course provides an overview of historical and contemporary theories of mass communication. Furthermore, the course focuses on the questions of different traditional theories about the communication process and how it affects our perception of relations between communication, media and society.

The course includes international communication, news agencies, the right to information, international approaches to journalism, the new media order, globalization and its sphere of influence, decisions and regulations related to the information flow of international organizations.


Explain the development of media studies in a historical perspective. Compare, contrast and analyze main theoretical approaches to media and society. Identify multi-level connections between mass media, globalization and capitalism. Discuss media representations of social groups and medias role in reproducing inequalities. Explain how media contributes to social change. Define key elements of analyzing media messages and doing research.


Examines the developing of cinema in conjunction with the other branches of art from the end of 19th century. Analyses the major art and cinema movements. Takes the cinema with the political, cultural and economic context of the period.


This class aims to develop the following knowledge and skills: - Able to define the concept of film and become fully aware of the differences between fictional and non-fictional films - Learning fundamentals of short films and film making in an historical context - Learning how to handle the equipment properly and the effects of the various controls. - Learning how to use the equipment effectively. Developing the skills underlying good camerawork and sound production. - Learning how to convey ideas convincingly. Using the medium persuasively. - Learning how to organize systematically. Applying practical planning, preparation, and production.


In this course, it is aimed to teach the principles of screenplay and copywriting and to help students gain the ability to produce works in these genres through applied studies.


In this course, the basic concepts related to the history and criticism of visuality and image are presented in social, institutional, aesthetic and technological uses. Also,  media synergies and methods of merging existing media technologies with social use in the 21st century are also discussed.

To gain legal subordination to the problems that may be encountered in the field of business and social security during the business life


This course aims to provide an overview of the various forms of new media and related technological infrastructures supplemented with concrete, actual and popular examples- from the Internet and the Web to computer and video games and the digitalization of contemporary media. Through an investigation of these forms and cases from a historical, social, political and economic perspective, the subject critically engages and introduces the student to the way new media and so-called ‘network society’ have challenged the rules of the ‘old media’ with its incorporated characteristics such as convergence, interactivity and digitalness. Based on different theories from several disciplines in social sciences, the content of this course is nourished with a large number of empirical analyses regarding social aspects of the new media.


This course aims to introduce the student with various aspects, issues and themes of cultural studies, concentrating on different perspectives, theories and methodologies.


Gaining the ability to collect data, analyze data and draw conclusions, gain the necessary skills and knowledge that public relations and advertising professionals should have


This course covers the elements of culture and the factors that affect intercultural communication.


Gaining the ability to collect data, analyze data and draw conclusions, gain the necessary skills and knowledge that public relations and advertising professionals should have


At the end of this course, it is aimed that the student will have acquired both critical reading skills and other professional skills related to the field and will be able to use them effectively


At the end of this course, it is aimed that the student will have acquired both critical reading skills and other professional skills related to the field and will be able to use them effectively


Students are required to produce and submit their own content for two different media.


The aim of this course is to provide both theoretical and practical understanding by focusing on publishing and reporting in digital media.


This course explores the role of social media in politics, with a particular focus on how social media affects democracy. While doing this, it aims to provide an overview of the subject by evaluating the researches on the effect of the media on democracy.


İletişim bilimleri teorilerini ve kavramlarını eleştirel ve tarihsel bir bakış açısıyla yorumlayabilme ve teorik bilgiyi uygulamaya dökebilme yetisi kazandırılması amaçlanmaktadır.


The final requirement to be completed in the non-thesis program is the project. It is a written document prepared by the student and the advisor on a subject determined jointly on communication, media, public relations and advertising. MA project is conducted under the supervision of a faculty member.

The course is designed to improve students' research, written expression and presentation skills. Students choose a topic from a wide range of communication and media fields each week. The students conduct research on the topic they have chosen, prepare a written document on this topic and present it in the classroom. The major aim of this study is to contribute to the thesis preparation stage of the students.


The final requirement to be completed in the thesis program is the thesis project.  The thesis project is prepared by the student and the advisor on a subject determined jointly on communication, media, public relations and advertising. MA thesis is conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. All students enrolled in this program must present and defend their thesis in front of a jury. Originality and uniquness are required and significant criterions of a thesis.